Solar Backup Power for Emergency Lighting: National Gas Company - Point Lisas
Off-Grid Farming House: Freeport 1.8 kWp
880 Wp Off-Grid Power for Billboard Lighting
880 Wp Backup Power for WITCO (West Indian Tobacco Company Limited) - Car Park Lighting
900 Wp Off-Grid Power for Farming House: Cumana
UTT ECIAF Campus Walkway Lighting
Golf Tournament 2021 hosted by Pointe-A-Pierre Golf Club Ltd and Novel Sports Ltd
6 kWp Off-Grid Solar PV Power for Office Container at Touchstone Exploration in Tableland
GCCA+ Project in Trinidad and Tobago Installation of Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Installation
Speyside High School, Tobago
Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Installation for Vaccine Refrigerator
Mayaro District Health Facility